“Every man takes the limits of his field of vision for the limits of the world.
A bird widens this limit and sees elements no one else does.”

With rising business costs, uncertain global environment and inflation taking a toll on all businesses, most companies are resorting to cost cutting measures. This we feel is a self defeating exercise; since the basic purpose of business is to create wealth rather than preserve it.

The need of the hour is to prepare for the future by re-engineering business processes in a way that a win-win environment is created for all stakeholders while keeping the ever-increasing costs in check.

Birdvision is a team of enthusiastic and inquisitive professionals who plan to do just that by using technology as a platform to improve efficiencies and productivity of enterprise & business processes. As the name suggests, our aim is to provide a holistic and bird’s eye view of processes in organizations or markets, identify bottlenecks and implement sustainable solutions that would have far reaching results.

We use our considerable industry experience, consumer insights, brand strategy and technology expertise to bring ideas to the table that go far beyond normal technology products & services. Our venture takes us into the exciting world of business transformation using a combination of Internet/mobile platforms, varied Analytics tools and e-commerce & m-commerce. It endeavors to marry real life business environment with today’s technological advances and create an atmosphere that optimizes opportunities, leads to better and informed decision making and also rewards all stakeholders while striving towards a positive business cycle.

Management Team